Latest News #1 (2/14/2025)

Welcome! To Version #1 of our new website. Long in the making and stock full of a lifetime's work in Music Art Performance Writing and Video.  There is also a link to InnerJoyMind, our single shingle mindfulness practice that works with individuals and organizations of all kinds.  We would love to have you join our mailing list, so we can keep you updated to latest energies.  We promise that these mailings will be occasional ... So! thank you for visiting and here's the latest scoop:

  • Ear Trumpet Recordings has recently released the new 4-song e.p., "A Strong Black Woman", by Dj Baby Chocolate, the follow up to their debut "Feelsing".  Groovy, dope, and fueled by travels in 2024.  Note that on the Ear Trumpet page there are video links to many of the songs on both the DjBC and Eyeswater records.  MTV rocks!

  • We have also recently heard from our friend Drew at 606 records ( in Chicago that DjBC is slated to appear on another 606 vinyl compilation of the best underground music in Chicago.  Yay! Watch this space... 

  • Ear Trumpet is proud to announce a new signing: The performance artist and mysterious energy "Randy Chances".  Check out the World Premier Video "How To Live" on his page... unexpected, funny, and, wasssuppp!!!  Early review from The Second City... 

      "I have never seen anything like Randy Chances"

  • COMMUNITY CORNER: Coming on 2/21/25--our old friends and underground Americana legends Souled American ( are appearing on distinguished reissue label Omnivore Recordings ( releasing "Rise Above It: A Souled American Anthology".  Excited to share that the cd booklet is using photos that Wade shot at Metro in Chicago way back in the late 80's when SA was making a big splash.  HUZZAH!


Although specific details are hazy, we believe Randy Chances was first glimpsed back in the mid "oughts" deep in the fabric of the Fiber & Material Studies Department at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. Along with his fast friend and collaborator Frau Fiber, Chances let his freak flag fly and was soon making, presenting and performing work that in one specific instance, caused a blanket STOP to the "use of blood" in any 'student' artwork.  Ha Ha. No matter, Chances continued to produce unique and provocative work via screen-printing, sculpture, sound, fashion, and photography; most often "one of a kind" works that live down the years, and can be found in the Art/Performance tab.

 Going dark and underground for many years, just recently Randy Marshawn Jesus Chances has resurfaced at the esteemed "The Second City" of Chicago, birthplace of improvisational sketch comedy and Saturday Night Live.  Performing a hybrid, sensory rich presentation of  "Randy Chances 5-minute Variety Hour", each performance is unique and truly captures a welcoming and mindful iteration of Freddy Nietzsche's wisdom, "No longer being ashamed in front of oneself."  Randy inspires us all to come together as one in laughter and healing, embodying his personal mantra and song, "F'em If They Can't Take A Joke".

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